Sunday Breakdown 8.23.09

Wow, what a day.

I am still amazed and extremely grateful that God works in spite of us. Sunday was just “one of those days” for me. I woke up excited about the day, got ready headed to the XL building and it all went downhill for me. I honestly feel like Satan is really attacking Life Church right now. We have had NUMEROUS people come to know Christ in the past several weeks and anytime you’re making an impact for Christ, Satan’s gonna get upset. There’s not a doubt in my mind that the avenue Satan has been using this past week has been to attack the staff. Sunday was tough. It’s been a LONG time since I’ve felt as “off” as I did Sunday. Lots of issues to overcome and some we didn’t overcome. We had camera issues, so the video we recorded wasn’t usable, so no video for this week! Anyway, like I said…I felt like it was an off day, but you know what…God didn’t! There were 5 salvations this week!!!

So, here is the set list…(sorry no commentary this week)

Uncontainable (Lee McDerment)

Song of Hope (Robbie Seay Band)

Everlasting God (Brenton Brown)

Your Love (Chrystina L. Fincher)

-Jason’s Message-

Lift High (Eddie Kirkland)

Alive and Running (Kristian Stanfill)

So tell me, what’s your favorite song right now (worship song or not)??


this post is part of the “Sunday Setlist” blog carnival over at Go check it out!

~ by rhinorun on August 25, 2009.

One Response to “Sunday Breakdown 8.23.09”

  1. Sorry to hear you were off but goes to show God is never off. So excited to hear about the salvations! Seems that people accepting His gift are farther and farther apart and fewer and fewer.

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